For one night, we all get to believe that oceans matter on the national stage. Whattya know, that guy on all the TV screens even mentioned oceans in his victory speech. Maybe it's not a dream.
The annual dinner was a gala event, with people who'd rather be underwater pretending to be civilized. All in a good cause, shmoozing with the crowd and honoring the awardees. I got a few new things on my to-do list, from people it's hard to say "no" to. Also, it was loads of fun bumping into a goodly number of friends and colleagues.
A shout out to Mike Sutton for encouraging the incorrigible blogfish, thanks Mike! One thumbs up every 6 months or so is all it takes to make the whole thing seem worthwhile. Mike is clearly the most discerning ocean conservationist in DC this week.
look for a tall, thin, bald, bearded man with a CORAL nametag at events, mark.... that's brian huse, my boss... say hi... you two should definitely meet...