Monday, June 09, 2008

Carnival of the green #131

Here at blogfish, we think blue when we think green. That's especially true during this first week of June, since World Oceans Day is June 8. I hope you don't mind if there's a slightly blue tinge to this Carnival of the Green.

What does that mean, a blue tinge to Carnival of the Green? It's simple really, as we're exploring ways to live right on the earth, let's make sure to live right for the blue as well as the green parts of our wonderful living planet.

For example, Samir Bharadwaj presents The Yellow Rubber Ducks Now Live Down On the Farm, a story of how a rubber duck may fare in the next oh, million years or so if they end up on land.

That's green thinking, what if we go blue-green? Well, there's the possible ocean fate to consider when thinking about plastic garbage. What if the expired rubber duckies end up in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

Jamie McIntosh of Suite101: Organic Gardens blog presents Increase Your Food Security. Growing your own keeps your footprint more local, for at least a part of your food supply, and that's a nice green (and blue) success.

But wait, local isn't everything in keeping food impacts down. What you eat may be more important than the distance your food travels. Sally Kneidel of Veggie Revolution found a study that says miles don't matter if you're eating meat and dairy, they're climate-nasty foods no matter how local, at least when produced with typical methods. And that's a blue and green problem.

What about the dark side of gardening? Michelle Verges of Conserve Plastic Bags wonders if gardening really connects people to nature. For example, how do you feel about killing pests? Pests seem to make some gardeners go to extremes.

From growing your own to bringing your own (bags), it's hard to reduce your footprint when you're swimming against the tide of indifference. Leslie at A Slowcavore's Ramblings tells the funny and maddening story of trying to use one's own bags at Wal-mart, including the crowning silliness over buying the Wal-mart reusables (hint: no I don't need a plastic bag to carry my reusable bags).

Thomas Robey of Medscape worries about medical waste, that is the waste of resources that typifies modern medicine. Yes, saving lives is the priority, but can't we remember that saving the planet is important too?

Who doesn't want to be healthy, rich, and green? Martinique of Queer Cents has a simple answer, use your car less and your bike more. Yes, and don't forget that once you start riding a lot, you'll soon be too sexy for your car.

Ever feel guilty about eating well when others are going hungry? Check out the Food Snob challenge at Expatriate's Kitchen, and see if you too can find ways to share.

How do you feel about missing chances to go green when priorities conflict? Do you give up sending your child to a good school if the drive is too far? MC Miller at The Not Quite Crunchy Parent feels your pain and has some thoughts to offer.

And how about the "greener than thou" people who are quick to criticize others for not going far enough in being green? Lynn from OrganicMania worries that the greener than thou may be more bane than boon to the movement.

Heading for the bathroom, what'll it be...paper or water? Chris Baskind at Potty Tech considers whether a bidet is greener than toilet paper, and finds out there's a lot of variables to consider.

Need a new backpack? Check out Daily Mitzvah's find, a snappy little daypack made almost entirely out of recycled materials.

Tired of allergies? Stephanie S. of Focus Organic suggests a natural allergy remedy, local honey, it tastes great and is good for you besides.

How do you feel about global warming? Phil for Humanity doesn't feel so good, since Global Warming is Ruining the Earth. Maybe people will notice this list of harms, before we get to the point where our oceans begin to boil.

How can a small green business stand out? Try some Home Grown Hospitality, like GP from Innstyle Montana.

Wanna green car? How about an extreme hybrid SUV that gets 150 mpg? Hillary Green brings you the surprising news at The Green Motorist.

If you're like me, you have a rocky relationship with your programmable thermostat. Well, thank goodnes, Joel Biddle at Green Building Elements offers some counseling to improve the relationship.

Joe at Ecojoe's offers a free bumper sticker to remind people to slow down for wildlife. Wonder how that looks on a boat?

Need to learn more about the benefits of compact fluorescent light bulbs? If you haven't heard enough already, check out Your Finish Rich Plan and hear from Will about this classic green subject.

Lots of green, and a little bit of blue. Hope this helps you think green (and blue) on the day after World Oceans Day.

Next week's carnival: Victoria E

Last week's carnival: Green Ladywell

Carnival of the green mothership: TreeHugger


  1. Thanks for hosting this week's carnival - there's a lot of really great submissions. I look forward to reading them! And thanks for raising awareness about protecting the oceans. I watched Garbage Island last week - more work is definitely needed to clean-up our oceans.


  2. Thanks for hosting this week's Carnival! I especially appreciate the beautifully written synopses :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great carnival Mark.

    I'll be coming back to check the entries I missed!


Sorry for comment moderation, it's only to block #($*&#($& spam that's been creeping onto this blog.