There is a problem with plastic, and Main Street has noticed. Plastics are everywhere and they're not going away.
You know the questioning of plastic has become mainstream when TIME magazine publishes a feature like this. The industry blog, PlasticsNews, has gone all aghast at this article and the bigger prospect of losing ground in the mainstream, and the industry is planning to fight back.
Will the plastics industry be productive partners in change, and be responsive to real concerns? Or will they put their heads in the sand and retreat into denial? Time will tell. The industry is not monolithic, of course, and certainly some good actors amont the plastics industry will do their best. I hope they're trendsetters for everyone else, and not lone wolves.
Positive note on recycling plastics: Montgomery County Maryland just moved from recycling only class 1 & 2 grade plastic food and beveraging containers to recylcing all plastic food and beverage containers (and I think some other plastics too). I don't know whether this reflects "industry innovation" or someone else's or the fact that landfill space is at a premium. Regarless, its a positive step and I hope a step other jurisdictions are or will take as well.