Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Plastics are a penis-shrinker

Men, don't let your sons chew on plastic unless you want them to have a small penis. That's right, chewing the wrong kind of plastic (with phthalates) causes male babies to have smaller penises.

Do YOU want YOUR SON to be the subject of this kind of ridicule (above right)?

This has got to be the death knell for phthalates. Shrinky dinks and pacifiers are on their way out if they mess with America's manhood.

Dealing with bad plastic products is a macho issue now.


  1. So that's what mum was chewing on whilst I was in utero, can just see her inhaling plastic six-pack holders as an after thought to chase the alcohol and nicotine down.

    That's probably why all those penis enlargers don't work - all made out of plastic.

    Oh the tragedy of it all.

  2. Ummm, so how many kids chew on plastic guns and arrows lol. Enjoyed the post -- the pic was a little funny :-)

  3. I'll be sending this link to several men as it might explain things for them....

  4. great advice.

    don't quite know where the fish come into it... maybe the reason for a failing oceanic ecosystem is because we're dumping our plastics, which male fish are chewing on, and that directly affects the reproduction of the fish population?

    just musing...


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