Wednesday, December 10, 2008

George Bush, environmental hero?

Can this be real? Yes, at least for oceans. President Bush is considering some new Marine Protected Areas, and he's already an ocean conservation champion for his work creating the Marine Protected Area around the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, the Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Monument.

From the Christian Science Monitor article:

At issue: Proposals to protect at least one of two vast reaches of ocean that host some of the most pristine coral-reef and under-sea mountain ecosystems in the Pacific. One candidate, a loose cluster of islands and atolls in the central Pacific called the Line Islands, covers a patch of ocean larger than Mexico. The other, a section of the northern Mariana Islands, is larger than Arizona.

And this isn't the only thing President Bush has done for oceans, his adminstration has actually been fairly good on ending overfishing. Let's give credit where it's due, and hope that soon even more credit is due.


  1. Nice to finally read something positive about Bush :-)

  2. This is Laura Bush's quiet, pet concern. According to rumors I've heard, she flat-out faced down Cheney when he opposed this stuff and it looks like she won.

    Say what you want about the Bush Administration writ large, I've always believed that Laura Bush had a broad streak of decency in her, even if in that vanilla, patrician sort of way.


  3. This may surprise you, but I'm hoping he does the one out in the Marianas.

  4. Thanks for posting this. One of the reasons I like to read your blog is that you you're willing to take an objective look at a subject, rather then just reacting emotionally like most environmental bloggers do...

  5. Hero??? Maybe look at the headlines in today's news.

  6. Yes, sad but true, his overall enviro record is not good. Which makes the ocean environmental hero status truly ironic. I've heard the same thing as tres arboles, that the ocean stuff comes from Laura Bush.

  7. Well what about Bush's amendments to Executive Order 12962?

    The fishing blogs are taking this as "No new reserves."

    "ensuring that recreational fishing shall be managed as a sustainable activity in national wildlife refuges, national parks, national monuments, national marine sanctuaries, marine protected areas, or any other relevant conservation or management areas or activities under any Federal authority, consistent with applicable law"

  8. It takes consistency, completion and hard workd to be a an environmental hero. It truly is a lifestyle and passion. Even with the positive contributions, can we honestly associate this with the Bush Administration?

    Perhaps things will change with upcoming "dream green team"?

    Here is another new article:

  9. Bush's ocean conservation record has some positives and negatives. This post is about highlighting the positives and noting that the positives break the stereotype of George Bush as an environmental villain. Hence the provocative title.

    What's the overall picture? Ocean conservation is not a partisan issue, supporters and leaders for our cause can be anywhere on the political map.

  10. Fantastic stuff Mark, haven't got round to it all yet but will do soon. What are your views re: commercial fish farming? Do you think they are any different to battery grown chickens..cattle etc? With the state(stock) of the oceans at the moment farming seems the route to travel nowadays.Here in South Africa we are busy putting together a farm and I'm always interested in feedback especially from people with a no-nonsense and humorous mindset.



  11. Gore is the biggest environmentalist there is, or so he claims. Yet his house is the least environment-friendly (if I remember correctly, in ONE MONTH his house consumes 2 times the electricity consumed by an average household in A YEAR). while Bush's Texas ranch is one that even the most ardent environmentalist would want to have as their own. So it is no surprise that he championed this cause. He is a decent man who did what he thought was right. He will be missed.


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