Saturday, February 21, 2009

More I'm back

I couldn't believe it when I saw this...


  1. Great picture, but it looks like a Caribbean Reef Squid, Sepioteuthis sepioidea, not a cuttlefish, to me.

  2. Thanks Wolfman, I reached that same conclusion myself after a bit of research. First time I've ever seen one, and so I took a quick guess that turned out wrong.

  3. I guess I don't understand the importance of the two photos. Am I missing something?

  4. Colin, no big deal, just some ocean sights that moved me. I put up the first two quickly, and followed with Akumal underwater explaining my trip. Then I had to correct an ID on the squid so it may look like a new post if you're using a feed reader.

  5. Very nice. I remember seeing them for the first time on a dive in Belize, just hovering under the boat. Could hardly make them out against the surface of the water. Completely in the open and they were still camouflaged. Amazing.

  6. yes, caribbean reef squid. beautiful, fun, and at first i thought it was a cuttlefish.


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