Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fish farming entrepreneur

Here's a story about a young man with a passion for farming fish. Love him or hate him, Brian O'Hanlon is the kind of person who has the energy to conceive of a future that's different than the status quo.

Is he a friend or enemy of conservation? Some who hate fish farming would call him an enemy because of his zeal for fish farms. But I like anyone who can envision a new future, and I hope his energy helps to make a better world in our shared future.

I think fish farming is a key part of our ocean future, and we need to learn how to do it and do it well. That will require energetic entrepreneurs like Mr. O'Hanlon.

And I'm dying to know, who's that ZZ Top character in the background? Some sort of fish guru?


  1. Mark

    We have been following blog postings since the FSB article came out. I came across yours this morning. I am writing from a hotel room in Panama right now. Just had my first cup of coffee......

    Please call me a friend to conservation. I grew up on the Long Island sound, spending every waking minute of my childhood on or in the water. I have this spiritual connection to the ocean, whenever I am away from it I don't feel right. Just to tease my wife, I like to call Sunday mornings on the water my church and mother ocean as my god. Swimming in fresh water doesn't cut it for me, I have to be in the sea. I think you get my point and I'm sure you can relate.

    Traveling around the world and right here in the US, I have seen some of the warning signs our oceans are giving us. They are in trouble.

    I am trying to create a farming system in the open ocean that essentially be a working component of the ecosystem and not damaging it. We are moving away from sensitive coastal ecosystems and pollutants. We are fully aware of the challenges that traditional forms of farming have faced and are fortune to learn from them to make this process better. We plan to maintain a high degree of transparency about Open Blue Sea Farms and the next generation farm we are building off the coast of Panama. Follow us on our website www.openblueseafarms.com to learn more. A new site will be launched next month loaded with info that will be constantly updated.

    The guy in the photo is ZZ Top, one of my investors.....just kidding. His name is Mike Gifford, he kept all of our vessels and machines operating. Take a trip down to Culebra Island off the coast of Puerto Rico and ask around for Mike. He is an awesome guy.

    Best Regards

    -Brian O'Hanlon

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Brian. Let's talk sometime. Email me at blogfish (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. I'm a die hard fish farmer myself, glad to know there are more of us out there that see the sense in farming salmon. Come see my blog on salmon farming at
    I'd appriciate a link to my site on your page, I will return the favor.

  4. We are moving away from sensitive coastal ecosystems and pollutants. We are fully aware of the challenges that traditional forms of farming have faced and are fortune to learn from them to make this process better.
    take care of discus fish


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