Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Finding coral

You think it's easy to find coral? Then you're not thinking about that rarest and most special of corals, the deep sea variety.

The Finding Coral expedition, sponsored by the Living Oceans Society, is doing heroic work in finding deep corals in British Columbia's ocean waters, and documenting threats to their survival.

The videos are great, they give a sense of what it's like to go deep looking for corals, with a strong dose of threats along with the beautiful footage.

Stop by and join the expedition...


  1. Those pesky corals are hard to find but they are beautiful when they do find them.

  2. Great website and fascinating project. I'm hoping that their documentation of the corals and sponge's location and habitat will lead to protection from bottom trawling. Go back and check out that map showing the difference between Alaska's marine protected areas and what little there is on the BC coast!

  3. It has been awesome watching for new updates and videos from the expedition. It's almost like being along for the ride....Good work everyone! The videos especially are fantastic!!!

  4. "rarest and most special" corals?!
    you dissin' my tropical, shallow-water reefs, powell?!

  5. Interesting post. I caught this article the other day about electrifing artificial reefs to speed the growth of coral pieces attached to the structure.,0,2719055.story

    Love the site. Its pretty similar to the blog I write. Its about my perspectives of the fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Check it out!

  6. You might be surprised to know corals are not actually rare. Shallow reefs are rare in the world, but not the tropics. Deep octocorals are actually collected more commonly than shallow octocorals in the Gulf of Mexico, but it's a big secret. (You wouldn't know it unless you read my dissertation, I'm giving you the inside scoop.)

  7. Really interesting stuff, hadn't realised until quite recently that there was any such thing as deep water corals. My ignorance. Although ignorance is quite common, I'm hoping to help raise some awareness in the UK of all things marine by cycling 30,000 miles of american (north and south) coastlines in 2011. I'd really welcome any comments about plans and possibilities.


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