Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Seagulls attacking whales

It's like a Hitchcock movie made real--attack of the birds. I wonder if whales are as scared as I was when I saw "The Birds" as a boy.

Seagull attacks are a new threat to endangered right whales off Argentina. In 1974 only 1% of whales were attacked, but the number of victims has increased to 74% today.

Roger Payne from the Ocean Alliance said “You see big open sores, which we thought were pock marks of infection. Some are half a metre across and the edges look like thousands of bites."

The gulls are driving the whales crazy as they try evasive manuvers to avoid getting pecked to death while on the surface to breathe. Especially at risk are mother-calf pairs, the preferred target of the gulls.

hat tip: zooillogix


  1. I've never heard of anything like this. Parasitic seagulls.

  2. Is this a new phenomenon, I've never heard of this before? Is it a particular type of gull that's just got the taste for whalemeat?

  3. Mark I saw this on news bit on Discovery yesterday:



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