Monday, November 23, 2009

Big changes for blogfish

Blogfish is undergoing some big changes. Watch this virtual space for more exciting news very soon. For now, I'll leave you with one clue.

It comes with filets de perches frais du lac Léman.


  1. Ummm you're going to the "French Gastrointestinal Open," and competing against Japans famed Iron Chef Yarozito Funakati?

  2. You are going to post only in French and change the name of the blog to Frogfish? :P

  3. I was beginning to wonder what happened to the blog... it's been a while?

  4. It's

    "filets de perche frais", not "perches".

    And don't forget the Aigle "Les Murailles", or a Féchy, Fendant or any other Chasselas to complement them!

  5. Later, After the New Year and into Twenty Ten...


Sorry for comment moderation, it's only to block #($*&#($& spam that's been creeping onto this blog.