Wednesday, July 28, 2010

When endangered species eat each other

What do you do when you have one endangered species eating another endangered species?

That's the dilemma facing officials who are hoping to protect orcas (killer whales) and endangered Pacific salmon. New science shows that orcas in Puget Sound seem to prefer to munch on especially rare types of salmon, much to the chagrin of those who want to save the salmon. We can't exactly go out and kill orcas to protect salmon.


  1. NO we cant kill Orcas. It will be a total disaster if we blame our current epidemic on these Orcas and take away their food just because of this.

  2. Obviously, you train the whales to eat the nearby sea otters!

  3. This is an interesting dilemma since the food chain was certainly established before man began interfering with the 'natural order' of things. Is this a phenomenon that has occurred because the orcas are losing their natural food sources?

  4. But if we don't protect the salmon, then what will the orcas eat?


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