It's big, it's scary, it's stinky, and it's in the ocean off Alaska so it could be really weird. But, sigh, it's only ocean algae. I like algae a lot, but this had the potential to be something fun and exciting like some new crazy oceany monster out of science fiction. It certainly looked good for awhile, when it was the unknown 12-15 mile long oily blob-thing.
No word on whether the algae blob gooey monster has an agent. Tweet
Bummer. I was hoping it would turn out to be similar to the lake goo in CreepShow 2.
Actually, it is the being from the spacecraft that crashed into the Arctic polar cap, as seen in the movie "The Thing". Global warming has thawed it out, and it has "Called Home".
Algae should always be our first guess. It's amazing stuff and yes algae usually is very stinky. I'm still interested in the microorganisms and other tiny critters that are inhabiting the surface of the algae in such cold seawater.
I did a photo analysis and found something that looks like a dragon.
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