Runner's high proven by science.
Natural opiates were identified in the brains of runners after a 2 hour run, using a PET scan (positron emission tomography). In other words, runners really do get high.
Jonesing for a run? It's because you're a junkie and you need your fix. Thank goodness nobody has yet figured out a way to make it illegal. The story is in:
"The Runner's High: Opioidergic Mechanisms in the Human Brain" are published in the journal 'Cerebral Cortex'.I don't know about you, but I read Cerebral Cortex every day.

Now please excuse me while I step outside for a couple of hours Tweet
1 comment:
So the high is explained, but about the withdrawals that occur when I don't get out and run for a few days? I start getting moody and down ...
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