There is a restaurant in Switzerland that is toying with the idea of using human milk in their food. Swiss officials were taken aback, and have threatened legal action. I can only imagine what the reaction would be in the US, probably a lot less tolerant than in Switzerland.
This is an animal welfare effort that seems downright nuts to me. I hope conservation never gets lumped together with this weirdness.
PETA has not thought this through, do they care more about cows than people? Tweet
ewwww ewwww ewww! That's all I have to say about that!!! ;)
I read the letter. They really are quite funny in how deluded they are. It's sad what happens to the animals, but if people want to use breastmilk (ew) they can make their own ice cream.
I am by no means a breast milk drinker...yuck...but I think it's just interesting to note that humans are the only species that drinks the milk of another species.
Maybe this is what sets us apart from the animals!
i am vegan, but distance myself from PETA because they are so polarizing. however, i do find it interesting that we (myself included) are so appalled by the idea of drinking milk produced by our own species for our own species, yet most people don't think twice about drinking cow's milk.
wow peta. wow.
i wonder what they base their beliefs on, yeah i agree that we shouldn't hurt animals, i love animals, but drinking breast milk, from a another human is a sick thought. and to the poster above me, i totally get where you are coming from, but if you had to pick between drinking cow milk and milk from a lady next door which would you pick? frankly, i don't like milk from any other animal, but a cow! (eww goat milk!)
Are there really enough willing women to support this kind of effort anyway? How many women would it take pumping away to produce enough to replace even a small % of milk? I have this crazy imagine of women lined up like cattle attached to giant milking machines. :)
I have the same image as Becky.
Whilst male and not averse to being involved in this type of production line (for scientific purposes only), I do wonder about the ladies involved and if they really understand the consequences.
Every morning at 0430 hours 300 women rise from their shared and cramped quarters to move towards 'The Shed', not knowing why they do this but so long have they trod the path they do so with out question.
They trudge into a packed raceway that gets smaller and smaller so that only one women can fit, they come to the 'controller', he/she looks at then palpates the breasts to ensure no lumps indicative of mastitis then the unloving rubber suction cups are attached to said mammary glands,
then back to the quarters.
Their children are weaned and taken away when young so not to drain the valuable milk needed for the market, they will not see them again, though those loving veal like meat will.
They will not see the mate they first loved but in time a bull stranger will come in to service her, and the rest, or she will go for a holiday that she does not return from as dried up or not producing heirs.
And all this in the name of Ice cream.
Why would it be ewww to drink human milk, while people drink cow's milk or goat's milk or even horse's milk or camel's milk? I have tasted the milk from the mother of my children and I can say it is neither good, nor bad... Bit sweeter than cowsmilk.. But to take legal action???? Who cares????
If they want to become milk producing suppliers for the mass market let them. I'm sure it would last all of two minutes since it is their mandate to whine and come up with the stupidest ideas known to man.
As for me, I wouldn't buy it and I wouldn't be caught dead producing it. Breast feeding two babies was cow enough for me thanks.
Lol! Whilst I agree that this is maybe taking things a bit too far and would prefer to stick with cows milk, I must say that from an academic point of view I find it interesting that people are fine with drinking the milk out of another species breast but not that of their own species.
Further evidence that PETA are complete nutters.
I would try it...lol. yum! :)
that's a crazy idea!I'm a little bit crazy about this.there's a lot of cow's milk out there that can supply a large demand for milk but not from human.lol...
Yeah, pretty sure I wouldn't frequent any place that used human breast milk in place of cow milk. I'm sure there's plenty of other uses for leftover breast milk. But my ice cream? No thanks!
It is very interesting and great idea to use human milk in ice-cream. But the question is that how is it possible to fulfill huge demand for human milk ice-cream.
Outsourcing Solution in BPO
this seems to be an emerging trend--i've read about three other similar articles this week alone!
trend or no trend, i'm not feeling it.
One of my mom's friends just had a baby and all I can say is I LOVE THE RICH FLAVOR OF B-MILK!
aren't the offspring of cows called calves not "babies?"
I too am going to say EEWW!But at the same time it does seem funny we wouldn't drink our own milk, that is why we produce it.
Oh my God! A very strange topic you have posted. That you are giving the idea to make ice cream from human breast milk. I think this is not possible in any case. Please share us the actual cause of behind this idea.
Online Marketing Solution
James White
Now that's just gross.
we all drank human milk or synthetic forms of it for the first two years of our lifes anyway. whats so bad about it? think about all the jobs it could create for humans instead of cows!
I'm neutral on this issue: aside from reluctance caused by cultural and/or psychological aspects, there is nothing intrinsicallt wrong or bad or dangerous about consuming human milk. If it's good enough for babies...
And re PETA caring more about cows than people: is that wrong? Is that bad? Who says so? Is there a law that members of a species MUST care more about their own species? Perhaps if humans cared a little more about other species they would not be in the mess they are in.
Congratulations BTW on blogs of note
masterymistery at cosmic rapture
"Do they care more about cows than people?"
yuck! How could they use that thing??
Human milk is produce to feed on BABIES who still dont have anti-bodies in their system! We are grown up now! We have a lot of anti-bodies i our system and we dont need to add more! We don't know, maybe these would lead to some serious disease, that maybe the genes of the person where the milk was get have some kind of "virus" and people who will eat it would develop some kind of disease...dont they think first before they do something??
Evil! Their EVIL!!!!!
... weird.
Don't knock it till you've tried it, maybe most of you nay-sayers were those poor formula fed babies. I say bring it on, theres plenty of research to show that cow's milk can't be good for people - including my favorite - That there's more calcium in Brocolli than in cow's milk.
Those who said "bring it on" should think better. This idea of ice cream from human breast milk is not good in general sense. Breast milk applied only to babies who belong to same family.It has limitations. But to share it with others in any forms could be a great challenge. How many mothers are aware of their health? Thinking of profit making idea think of another!
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